Plans for the year

Happy New Year! It’s been a good three months again since I’ve posted. Amazing how quickly the time goes by. This year is finally going to be different. I am going to do something I said I would rather not – subscriptions. I just think that with a paying audience my accountability will go way up. I’ve always had plenty of ideas but when I see the rather low numbers of readers, it’s hard to keep going.

Plan for this year will be to back to link roundups every two weeks. I will also start listening to stuttering podcasts and doing reviews/commentary on them. In addition to that I brainstormed a few dozen post ideas of things that have happened to me or what I’ve felt in the past few months and years.

The nice thing about writing about stuttering is that it’s not really time-critical. The message will likely reach someone who needs it at that moment. I go back to what the purpose of all of this ever was – writing to my younger self.

This year I am also going to make a stronger effort to watch my diet. Over the past few months I’ve been intermittent fasting here and there. I can casually report that it seems to be helping my speech. However, there are also other variables – more relaxed at work and home, not a ton of new stress, using my tools more consistently.

So, please join me, please comment, please follow along. This blog has been around one way or another for ten years, so I’d like to keep it going.